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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Fernley AYSO Region 370

Board positions available!

Regional Commissioner

Coach Administrator




Safety Director

Referee Administrator 

(RC) Regional Commissioner - Tim Garrett

Area Coach Trainer (Area 2e)
Regional Commissioner

The Regional Commissioner (RC) – is one of the 7 required Regional Board positions as specified in the National Bylaws and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols. The Regional Commissioner (RC) is the head of the AYSO Region; having the responsibility and authority to direct the day-to-day business of the Region as described in Article III of the Standard Regional Guidelines.

Tim GarrettCertifications:
Intermediate Coach
Coach Instructor

Tim Garrett was raised in Wyoming and moved to Nevada to finish school at the University of Nevada-Reno.  Along the way, he picked up a wife and eventually three children.  He moved to Fernley in 2004 and has enjoyed every second of it!  

Tim loves sports of all kinds.  Soccer, however,  is definitely a favorite.  He played keeper at Black Hills State for one year before returning to Wyoming to coordinate the intermural program at Sheridan College.  While he originally started out in education, his career path has evolved, but education is still a foundation of his responsibilities. 

When not on a field or wrestling mat, you can find Tim with his family in the outdoors.  He loves to hunt and build things.  He is passionate about creating a strong community through working with youth.  

Tim Garrett
Phone not listed
[email protected]

(RR) Regional Registrar -

Regional Registrar

The Registrar – is one of the 7 required Regional Board positions as specified in the National Bylaws and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols. Registrar’s role is to organize and implement the annual registration of players and volunteers.

Position Available, email us today to find out how you can HELP
[email protected]

(RT) Regional Treasurer -

Regional Treasurer

The Treasurer – is one of the 7 required Regional Board positions as specified in the National Bylaws and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols. The Treasurer is responsible for acting within the scope of AYSO’s financial policies, procedures and guidelines to safeguard the Region’s monies and assets. Treasurers play a vital role in protecting AYSO’s non-profit status.

Position Available, email us today to find out how you can HELP
[email protected]

(RSD) Regional Safety Director - Chris Starks

Regional Safety Director

The Safety Director – is one of the 7 required Regional Board positions as specified in the National Bylaws and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols. The Safety Director is to serve as the Region focal point for Safety Awareness and Insurance Information.

Information coming soon for recently voted in RSD

Christopher Starks
Phone coming soon
[email protected]

(RCA) Regional Coach Admin - Jen Garrett

Area Director (Area 2e)
Area Management Instructor (Area 2e)

Regional Coach Admin

Regional Coach Administrator (RCA)- is one of the 7 required Regional Board positions as specified in the National Bylaws and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols.  The AYSO volunteer position of regional coach administrator is intended to administer a quality coaching program within the region.
Implements the AYSO National Coaching Program at the Region level, including training, development, certification, coach support, and more.

Jennifer GarrettCertifications:
Intermediate Coach
Safe Haven
6u Coach
8U coach
10U coach
12U Coach
Intermediate Coach
Management Instructor
Concussion training

Seven years ago, Jen Garrett, made an innocent phone call to find out how to register her child for soccer. What she found out was that there was a great need in our region for volunteers and support to teach kids the game of soccer. Jen became part of the board right away and has been working every since to help keep soccer active and growing in Fernley.

While Jen swore she would never coach, it quickly became obvious that her child would not be able to play if she did not. Over twenty teams later, coaching is her passion. AYSO has so many opportunities for training that she has also been able to be trained as a referee and many other positions within the AYSO organization in an effort to help grow a love of this beautiful game. Jen has confused many a match by cheering not only for her own players, but for her former players on the other side of the field.

Jen and her husband, Tim, moved in Fernley in 2004. They both grew up in smalls towns and this one showed all the promise of their own hometowns for raising children. Three children later, Jen worked on completing her doctorate in Natural Medicine in the off season. After ten years as a classroom teacher, Jen left teaching to pursue her love of health and wellness in becoming a nurse. Jen works nights so she can spend her days working with her kids and the other children of the community as a coach for Northern Nevada Aquatics as well as Fernley Wrestling Club. Through all of this, AYSO has been a huge part of her life. AYSO has provided her support through many life changes. AYSO also promotes her personal philosophy volunteerism in this and other areas of the community. If you ask her, she has 400 kids playing in Region 370 and she will for a long time.

Jen Garrett
(775) 741-2253
[email protected]

(CVPA) Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate - Joy Hidek

Area Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (Area 2e)

Child and Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA)

The Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate (CVPA) – is one of the 7 required Regional Board positions as specified in the National Bylaws and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols. The CVPA serves as the Safe Haven program representative in the local Region.

Joy HidekCertifications:

After growing up in LA, Joy raised her children in a small town in rural Oregon.  It was there that she learned the value of the small town.  She was able to help her community grow and thrive as she served on the Board of the Swim Team, as Camp Fire leader, and with a family resource organization.  

Joy instilled in her children the importance of participating in the community.  It is this participation that creates a strong foundation for youth and a great place to call home.  While she is new to Fernley, her presence has already been felt.  

Joy and her husband, Nick, enjoy flying, quilting and being with their grandchildren.  They have moved to Fernley to be close to some of these grandchildren.  They are both retired from careers in Clinical Laboratory Science and continue to enjoy science and teaching.  Her knowledge base is wonderful as our Safety Director!


Joy Hidek
(775) 741-0465 
[email protected]

(RRA) Regional Referee Admin - Sam Felix

Regional Referee Admin

The Regional Referee Administrator (RRA) – is one of the 7 required Regional Board positions as specified in the National Bylaws and Standard Regional Policies and Protocols. The RRA position is intended to implement, monitor, and maintain the AYSO National Referee Program including program delivery, staff development, communication, and coordination at the regional level.

Information coming soon for recently voted in RRA
Regional Referee
Intermediate Referee
Regional Referee Administrator 

Sam Felix
Phone coming soon
[email protected]

(RDRI) Regional Director of Referee Instruction - James McGreevy

Area Referee Administrator

Area Referee Administrator (Area 2e)
Area Director of Referee Instruction (Area 2e)
Area Webmaster (Area 2e)

Regional Director of Referee Instruction
Regional Webmaster

Implements the AYSO National Referee Program at the Region level, including implementing training and development, certification and more.

James McGreevyCertifications:
Intermediate Referee
Referee Assignor / Scheduler
Area 2e Referee Admin
Intermediate Referee Instructor

Our Referee Administrator is James McGreevy, he is also our Webmaster. James was born in Reno, NV and Moved to Fernley in 2004. James has 1 child currently playing in AYSO with region 370. James played for AYSO as a youth, for Region 710 North Valley Reno, from u6 – u16. While playing for region 710 James was scouted for the Region select team, Xtra, and participated in several tournaments in and outside of Nevada.

By trade James works for GE Transport as their Operations Manager / Dispatch Supervisor since 2007. On the side James builds and maintains web pages and creates computer graphics. James studied Computer Graphics and Web Technologies with DeVry University. James has been associated with AYSO region 370 since 2012, became a board member in 2013 and Area 2e Staff member in 2016.

James McGreevy
(775) 225-2869
[email protected]

6u - 8u Division Coordinator - Shannon Truran

6u - 8u Division Coordinator

A Division Coordinator – arranges teams and schedules games to create the most opportunities to play for each player. AYSO players range in age from 4 to 19 and have varied levels of skill. Putting together balanced teams requires thoughtful planning.

Information coming soon for recently voted in Division Coordinator

Shannon Truran
Phone coming soon
[email protected]

10u - 12u Division Coordinator - Mike DeTullio

10u - 12u Division Coordinator

A Division Coordinator – arranges teams and schedules games to create the most opportunities to play for each player. AYSO players range in age from 4 to 19 and have varied levels of skill. Putting together balanced teams requires thoughtful planning.

Information coming soon for recently voted in Division Coordinator

Mike DeTullio
Phone coming soon
[email protected]

Field Coordinator

Field Coordinator

A Field Coordinator is intended to be responsible for acquisition and maintenance of all playing fields including practice fields.

Information coming soon for recently voted in Field Coordinator

Robert Marshall
Phone coming soon
[email protected]

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AYSO Area 2E

 Unit 2/325
Fernley, Nevada 89408

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 775-741-2253
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